Have You Been Caring 
for Everyone Else &
Not Leaving Room For You?

Go from Surviving to Thriving and 
Become the CEO of your life!

Does Any of this Sound Familiar...
Working excessively and not taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Taking care of everyone else's needs but your own and feeling exhausted.

Your health is suffering because you put everyone else first.

You believe this is the life you were given and can't envision what you want anymore. 

She has things she has wanted to do but never made the time, does not feel she has the support at home, sometimes feels she does not deserve to have a wonderful life. 

You don't feel like you have support at home, and you're to the point where you're not even sure how to ask for what you need. 

Do you find yourself saying...

I never expected to... 
I never thought...
I always thought…
I always wanted to…
I thought by this time I would have...

These are all signs you are Surviving and not Thriving!

There are 4 Ways to go from 
Surviving to Thriving:
Change your perspective

Help clients understand and shift the way they think -see the world differently -  allowing for a new interpretation of themselves and environment.

Gain confidence

Empower clients to leave their comfort zones, trust themselves, and make performance-changing (often difficult) decisions leading them towards a life they love.
Increase Your Motivation

Help clients overcome resistance, cultivate systems and strategies, and take actionable steps to become the best version of themselves.
Establish Boundaries
Support clients in identifying where “the line in the sand”is,  and permission to say, “No,” allowing them to be heard and seen in relationships, and to let go of the resentment, guilt, hurt, and anger.
Are You Ready To...

✓ Stop Struggling
✓ Want a work-life balance
✓ Build habits to reach your goals
✓ want a healthy mind-body connection
✓ have the tools to successfully navigate any crossroads
✓ Want family members to be independent and contribute
✓ Want a peaceful home that is not chaotic
✓ Money for retirement and a plan
✓ Establish boundaries 
✓ Have Good health

A powerful solution statement that helps them that
plants the seed that this is the solution they've been searching for.

1:1 Coaching

✓ Define your vision
✓ Create clear goals
✓ Develop a plan
 ✓ Navigate barriers
✓ Monitor progress
✓Develop mastery
✓ Challenge negative thinking patterns
✓ Challenge sabotaging behavioral patterns

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Group Coaching

What: It is a “room” of like minded individuals coming together to share, learn and grow with a common goal of achieving the next level of personal success, and are willing to take action to get there.

How:  It is a 4-week program incorporating coaching strategies and peer-t0-peer learning that leverages collective wisdom and experiences, and cultivates actionable steps that can be applied immediately after each session.

Offer: A results-driven program identifying common areas that most people struggle with that prevents them from living to their fullest potential.  It is a lower financial investment and a shorter time commitment.  Clients will be able to take action in their most needed area.

Meet The Coach Empowering Women to Thrive

As a Certified Life Performance Coach, I have had a passion for helping others become the best version of themselves so they can live the life they have always dreamed of. 

Having experienced many challenging situations with limits placed on me, I decided it was time to change things.  This was my moment of impact.  I want to see all human beings thrive, but we often can’t do it alone.  My skills and experience in coaching have helped others change their perspective, develop confidence, strengthen their motivation, and build trust in themselves...

Everyone deserves to live meaningful and fulfilling lives. I experienced firsthand how uncovering limiting, negative and sabotaging beliefs can become transformational.  Now I  am excited to help other women navigate through life’s challenges and blossom into who they wish to become...

By challenging and guiding you through a new paradigm, we will navigate your fears and doubts with grace and watch the transformation unfold.  You will learn sustainable and practical strategies for moving forward.  Identifying what no longer serves you allows you to leave it behind, and when you choose to do things differently, your results will change.

Whether it’s learning to establish boundaries, embrace significant life changes, create holistic wellness habits, or strengthen relationships, my goal is to help women live their best life.  The most rewarding part is seeing women move from wishing to doing!

Together, we can create your moment of impact.  It’s time to invest in yourself.

Cheers to a fulfilling life, 